Summer Photo Contest Alert!
YFGA, Yukon Wildlife Preserve the Yukon Wildlife Preserve, Yukon Conservation Society YCS and CPAWS Yukon CPAWS proudly present to you:
A Yukon Summer: Adventures Under The Midnight Sun.
From now until August 7th submit your favourite summer wildlife (includes wildflowers) or outdoor recreation (ie. hiking, camping, biking, fishing) photos for a chance to WIN 1 of 4 prize packs!
For each category we have two streams -> Youth under 16 and Adults 17+.
You can enter photos in either category but can only win in one of them.
Contestants can submit photos to
Please include: The location, Identify the species (if wildlife related), a brief description of the activity, your name and contact info!
Thank you to our generous local sponsors.
Stay tuned for weekly features as we highlight our local businesses and share photo submissions as they come in.
Have fun out there!