President Message

July 4, 2023


Presidents Message

It has been a great year to date and now that hunting season is upon us it is only going to get better. In my last report to you I talked about the upcoming fry release that still sits closely in the back of my mind and it is one of my favorite events of the year. Since the last issue of Outdoor Canada West, the YFGA has been very busy. Just before the fry release, we had a great turn out for bird and bat house building, then hosted the Canadian Wildlife federation’s AGM here in Whitehorse and finished off June with Tatchun family fishing days.

We were privileged to host the Canadian Wildlife Federations (CWF) annual general meeting in June, delegates from every stretch of the country came to Whitehorse to see our amazing place we call home. While here several presentations were conducted at the issues forum, one of particular interest was from our local DFO team on the Yukon River Chinook Salmon. Today I am still receiving emails from directors across the country telling me how much they enjoyed their time in the Yukon. Minister Clarke was able to meet with many of the directors and executive of the CWF where we had the opportunity to discuss concerns and support for various items the YFGA and CWF work on in collaboration with the Yukon Government.

As we head into the fall hunting season, I would like to encourage each and every one of you to take your kids, and if the opportunity presents itself to maybe take one of your kid’s friends on a hunting trip. The future of conservation relies on the next generation. It starts with an invitation; your partner or kids may want to go and are just waiting for you to ask.

It has been said time and time again that hunters and anglers are the biggest supporters of conservation, if you do a quick internet search it will become very clear this is the case. I can still remember being very young, I’m not sure how old but I think 5-6 years old when my dad took me bird hunting. “Bryce, would you like to come goose hunting? It might be cold, it will be early, and I think you will really enjoy it”, I remember being told this every year, my dad and I never missed opening day for geese, this was an annual thing until I was old enough to get out by myself. When my daughter Hayley was 3, we continued this tradition annually until we moved to the Yukon when she was 7.

My childhood memories of being in the outdoors and learning proper stewardship for the land have led to me wanting to continue to give back to the land through working with all outdoor enthusiasts to maintain this amazing place we call home.

I look forward to seeing and hearing everyone’s stories of their adventures when the season is over, to me a successful trip is not all about harvesting an animal, it is the time we get to spend in the outdoors.

This year when you head out don’t hunt for your kids, hunt with them.

