Forum on Fish, Wildlife and Outdoor Issues

Yukon Beringia Centre

September 17, 2019

8:00 pm


5:00 pm


All Candidates Forum on Fish, Wildlife and Outdoor Issues – October 5th

We look forward to seeing you at our All Candidates Non Partisan Forum for the upcoming 2019 Federal Election.

Venue: Yukon Beringia Centre
Date: Saturday, October 5th
Time: 1:00 – 4:00 pm
Moderator: Dennis Zimmermann

Candidates from the 5 parties will be in attendance to discuss their positions on federal fish, wildlife and outdoor issues. The questions will be determined based on issues important to the Yukon Outdoor Community.

Candidates Attending:
Larry Bagnell – Liberal Party
Jonas J. Smith – Conservative Party
Justin Lemphers – New Democratic Party
Lenore Morris – Green Party
Joseph Zelezny – Peoples Party of Canada

This is a free event and we would like to see everyone there.

We will be live streaming this event
