Assessing the Feasibility of a New Protected Area in the Ross River Area

December 19, 2024

Saxon Ritchie



The Yukon Fish & Game Association received a letter from Lindsay DeHart, the Director and Associate Chief Negotiator for Aboriginal Relations, notifying us that the Ross River Dena Council, Parks Canada, and the Government of Yukon signed a Memorandum of Understanding on December 4th, 2024 to assess the feasibility of establishing a new National Park Reserve and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area (IPCA) in the Ross River area.

A Feasibility Assessment will be conducted over the next few years to see if a protected area is viable. Licensed resident hunting and other approved activities within the proposed area will not be affected throughout the duration of the feasibility assessment. However, if they do create a National Park Reserve and IPCA, licensed resident hunting may be affected.

A Steering Committee composed of representatives from Ross River Dena Council, Parks Canada, and the Yukon Government will be launching an engagement process in the coming months. The Yukon Fish & Game Association will be providing input and participating throughout the engagement process.

Please see the correspondence letter to YFGA from Lindsay DeHart, the Director and Associate Chief Negotiator for Aboriginal Relations:
